
Working Hard

I started to post last night but in between putting the kids to bed and watching 24... I was pooped! I read what I had started this morning and I don't have a clue where I was going with it so I'm starting over. Ha!

Yesterday was a pretty good workout day for me. I felt good and got a really motivating call in the morning that made me want to crank up the intensity! So, around 10:30am I popped in Kenpo Cardio X+ and got an awesome burn and sweat going only intensified even more by the 100 lb weighted gloves I was wearing. Ok, so they are that heavy but it sure felt like it!!! I LOVE that workout Gladiator move and all. Then, around 8pm, Jeremy and I finally got started with Back & Biceps and finished the night with Ab Ripper X. I was feeling the effects of doubling up during the V-up Rollups... the tank was getting empty. I pushed hard though and finished strong and it felt GOOOOOD. For those of you who keep wondering what P90X + is, watch this so you can see what I'm talking about all the time...

Going on a hot date tonight with my honey so I'm headed to the mall in a bit to find something to wear. I'm still in a wardrobe crisis and I never have clothes that fit! Good problem to have but man, it gets frustrating!!

Ya'll have a very blessed day and I just have a quick prayer request for Demi's daughter, Alana... She was sent home sick today from school. I just had her on my heart and thought I'd pass that request along! Take care everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks sweety for the prayer request concerning Alana. She seems to be doing better, as long as keep her on tylenol to keep her fever down.

    Hmmm..I wonder what the motivating phone call was?! hahhaa, I did the same thing too, except with Upper and abs/core plus. I had too, I was so jacked! :)
