
Before & After

Soooo, everyone is always thinking that getting in shape is all about how your body "looks".  What you have to understand is that working out, eating healthy, resting well, fueling your spirit and caring about yourself transcends the importance of looking good in a new outfit.  By far the most hits I get on this blog are from people who are searching for P90X before & after photos.  Here is the LINK to that post where you'll see my pics.  What you won't see is how finally caring about my health made me look on the inside.  I felt fantastic, wanted to do more with my boys and was able to translate that work ethic into other areas of my life.  While I no longer am affiliated with the distributors of P90X, I do stand by the product because you will have a great game plan to new health.  You can do it in many others ways and with many other programs, but that's just how I got started so I wanted to share it with you.

Let me know if you have any questions or would just like some encouraging words to get started where you are.


  1. There's so much more to being healthy than how one 'looks'. I just read an article about how many young, thin women are developing Type 2 Diabetes as they are 'skinny, fat'. So interesting.

  2. Exactly! Skinny=healthy? I don't think so.

    Check out Carrie's blog!
